A look at JLC

Ashley Hwang

JLC is a weekly allocated time period where students can choose to do a myriad of activities, from practicing sports to academic work.

Ashley Hwang, Staff Writer

DaVinci. Relaxing and hanging out with friends. 

Einstein. Cramming for last-minute tests and assignments. 

Darwin. Dancing and listening to music. 

Compared to any other weekday, Mondays have an extra 40 minutes of relaxation or productivity added on to lunch. From 12:10 to 12:50, the buzz of JLC fills the hallways, as students immerse themselves in whatever they wish, like talking with friends, quickly finishing homework, and getting extracurricular work done. 

A Chance to Dance 

Carolin Kiewel is an Inite Coordinator for UDM, an 8th period club that uses urban dance as a form of expression. As preparations for inite begin, they are holding JLC practices in the planetarium commons, otherwise known as Darwin Commons. During this time, Kiewel teaches parts of the choreography to any interested UDM dancers. 

“JLC gives us extra time to not just teach, but also practice the dances we are choreographing, as we have a longer, uninterrupted block of time. In addition, we get an enjoyable break from the busy schedule on anchor days,” Kiewel said.

Carolin gives up her JLC time to help make UDM inite its best, and says JLC is particularly valuable as it has helped them have longer practices during the day, which makes it much easier for the officers to teach and the dancers to grasp the choreography. 

Determination and Dedication 

Model UN. German Honor Society. Technology Student Association. These are just some clubs that sophomore Garv Jain is part of. As officers in two different clubs, Jain finds himself working on various assignments for those clubs during JLC. In one of his clubs, TJMUN, specific committees like the crisis committees, meet up during JLC for extra training at Mr. Corey Lightner’s room. 

“In order to be able to even take part in crisis committees, you need to attend these lunch trainings that TJMUN gives, which can occasionally occur during JLC,” Jain said. 

Jain is the secretary of the TJ German Honor Society and the sergeant-at-arms for the Technology Student Association. Being an officer of different clubs requires a lot of extra input and responsibility, which means working during JLC for Jain. 

“As an officer, there is a lot of additional work that I have to put into the clubs, some of which I do during JLC. This includes going to officer meetings and planning for events.”, Jain said. 

While being a leader in more than one club may bring additional stress for Jain, he says the reward of seeing the hard work pay off makes it all worth it. Specifically, JLC helps Jain manage all of his extra club work by providing a time where he can dedicate it to whatever club he wants. 

“That’s why I think JLC is more useful than 8th periods because although 8th periods are dedicated club time, which club meeting I’m attending I have to work on, but JLC I can work on whichever club I want to work on.”, Jain said. 

All “Set” in JLC

The sound of a ball repeatedly being hit into the air is evident when you step out to the courtyard during JLC. Reva Galagali, a freshman, practices volleyball in the Nobel Courtyard with her friends. 

“JLC is a time where I can do something I enjoy, like volleyball. I find that it’s something enjoyable to do and helps me be more active during the school day. Sometimes during JLC I step out into the courtyard and practice with my friends”, Galagali said. 

As part of the TJ Volleyball team, Galagali seeks to refine and better her skills throughout the year. 

“I definitely think there has been an improvement in my skills from the extra practice during JLC. It’s a time where I can have fun with my friends and also be outside and working on my volleyball skills.”, Galagali said. 

Three Perspectives, One JLC 

Through three different perspectives, JLC is a period of time that students take advantage of. From dancing to attending training for clubs, it allows students to delve deeper into their interest or just simply lay back and relax. 

“Whether it be club activities, finishing up their lunches, doing last minute studying for an APCS test, or just taking a break from school and socializing”, Jain said, “JLC is this period for students to just do whatever they need to do, which I think is the beauty of it.”