Off the Grid: The final installment


I’m back on all of my social media sites, such as Twitter, and loving it.

Yena Seo

It’s me again. Missed me?

It has been a little over a week since my 24-hours without social media, and needless to say, it was not the most exciting experience of my life.

Not having access to Twitter, Facebook and text messaging means a lot of things. It means that if someone sends you an important message about your club, you won’t receive it or be able to respond in time. It means that if two of your best friends suddenly get into a relationship and make it Facebook official, you won’t know about it. It means that if you are at the district championships to cover cheerleading, you can’t text your mom when to pick you up—you have to call her. And who even uses phone calls nowadays?

Would I do this again? Most definitely not. Despite the negativity surrounding social media, I did realize that though I am addicted to social media, it can be useful for a lot of things. Students from my class were using Facebook to discuss how to fill out certain parts of the Common Applicaiton, which would definitely have helped me that night. My uncle sent me a photo of my newborn baby cousin, which I would’ve loved to see as soon as possible because my family lives all the way in South Korea.

But in the end, I’m still alive. Even though the day felt like it would go on forever and I was a little upset that I missed some updates from my friends and family, I’m over it now and still in one piece. Social media has both its ups and downs, but the best way to use it is in moderation, and I will certainly remember that every time my fingers gravitate towards the touch screen.