Parents meet with teachers at Back-to-School Night


During back-to-school night, parents followed their child’s schedule from class to class.

Sara Warrington, Online staff

While students enjoyed their telelearn day at home, parents and teachers were busy meeting during Back-to-School Night on Oct. 2. This event allows teachers to talk each year about curriculum and events they have planned for the current school year while parents are provided with a chance to meet their childrens’ teachers face-to-face.

“My parents found it very interesting. My teachers outlined my course material in depth, which my mom found to be very useful, especially with starting at a new school,” freshman Brandon Wang said.

This year’s construction led to some unexpected difficulties in a typically routine evening as both parking and building space was scarce. Parents with children in the classes of 2016 and 2017 attended from 4 to 6 p.m. while parents with children in 2014 and 2015 attended from 7 to 9 p.m.  Some returning students and their parents found this to be a hassle.

“I think back-to-school night is great so that parents can put a face to the teachers that their children talk about,” junior Anant Das said. “But other than that and gaining first impressions, I think it’s way too chaotic for the short time they have with each teacher and especially with the construction and parking.”