PTSA will hold general election to replace former President Harry Jackson
The Thomas Jefferson Parent Teacher Student Association will hold a special election on Nov. 11 to vote in a new President after the former officeholder, Harry Jackson, resigned on Oct. 27. Jackson cited opposition to his political advocacy in the media as a reason for his departure.
November 8, 2021
The Thomas Jefferson Parent Teacher Student Association (TJ PTSA) membership will elect a new President on Nov. 11 to fill the spot vacated by former President Harry Jackson’s resignation. The Executive Board announced on Nov. 3 that the election to replace Jackson would occur during an in-person general membership meeting at Jefferson. TJ PTSA Executive Board elections normally occur at the end of the school year in late May and early June.
According to Jackson’s Oct. 27 resignation letter, the Virginia Parent Teacher Association (VA PTA), which oversees all chartered local PTA organizations in Virginia, asked him to cease communication on social media and with the press.
“I refuse to put the executive board in a position where it must choose between my convictions and the PTSA,” Jackson said in the letter.
He claimed that the Executive Board held a virtual meeting with officials from the VA PTA on Oct. 20 to discuss removing him from the position, which was a violation of the official bylaws laid out in the TJ PTSA’s charter.
In a statement to the Washington Times, the president of the VA PTA said that the “Virginia PTA, at all times, acts in accordance with our governing bylaws and policies” and “in the best interest of the association and members.”
Any students who attend Jefferson, teachers who work at Jefferson, or parents with children enrolled at Jefferson can join the TJ PTSA at this link. A membership costs $40 for parents and $10 for students and staff.
The Executive Board had not released a list of candidates or platforms as of Nov. 8.