Jefferson students are asked to play for All-American Marching Band

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Kate Deng, Entertainment Editor

On Oct 22, Army   representatives came to Jefferson to present the opportunity for seniors Noemi Glaeser and Theo Richardson to participate in the All-American marching band. Glaesar currently plays the flute and Richardson plays the bass.

“I’m definitely very happy for both of them and it’s amazing to have people of such high character and musical ability in the TJ band program. It’s a huge honor and they are both very deserving of it,” junior Alex Rudin said.

125 students were carefully selected from 1,500 students who have applied from all over the country. Each of the students receives an all expense paid weeklong trip to San Antonio, Texas to perform at the Army All-American football game in January 2015.

“I haven’t known two students who work harder than Theo and Noemi. They’re always enthusiastic about music and about helping other students and are overall both great musicians,” Band Director Adam Foreman said.

This year, the band has had the most students selected to participate in this event than in the past four years.

“I’m really happy that Theo and Noemi have this opportunity to perform with the All-American marching band. They’re two of the hardest working and best performing individuals. I fully expect them to represent our school well, and I hope to have the same opportunity next year,” junior Habeen Chang said.