Interest meeting held for students considering science competitions

Chemical Analysis Lab Director Brian Kennedy gave information on upcoming science competitions during A block of eighth period on June 4.

Sandy Cho, News Editor

On June 4, during A block of eighth period, Chemical Analysis Lab Director Brian Kennedy gave an interest meeting for those wanting to compete in the Siemens Competition, Intel Science Talent Search (STS) and Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) for the next school year.

Kennedy went over the procedures for both competitions, in particular the Intel STS, which requires registration predominately online.

“He addressed questions about the Intel STS and Siemens science fairs like what exactly to submit and when the deadlines are,” junior Mustafa Bal said.

The meeting allowed many curious students to quell their curiosity and clarify any confusion regarding the registration for the competitions.

“I was confused on the procedures of entering the competitions,” junior Christian Tae said. “But I found out later on through this meeting.”

According to Kennedy, a common misconception held by many students is that Intel STS and Intel ISEF are the same competition. However, they are actually separate competitions and require separate forms and entry requirements. Just applying to one does not provide the entry to the other.

Though not all students are completely sure if they will apply, many have gained a better understanding on what is expected for each competition and are excited to take the next step of their research projects.

“I’m really excited to continue my research project at George Mason University and continue my online part time programming job at the company I did my internship at,” Bal said.

To see guidelines and rules for the Intel STS, click here. For Siemens, the requirements, details and due dates are available here. Lastly, for the TJ Science Fair, in which students can compete in Intel ISEF if they advance past the Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair, forms are found on the TJ Science Fair Blackboard site.