Daffron introduces Jill’s House to UNICEF


Denise Daffron, the vice president of Jill’s House, visited Jefferson on April 25 to introduce the organization to students.

Esther Kim, Sports Editor

On April 25, Denise Daffron, the vice president of Jill’s House, visited the United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) club during eighth period to present the organization’s motives and introduce possible opportunities for volunteering.

Jill’s House serves as a center for children with special care by promoting multiple programs that keep them engaged with other participants of the activity. The organization provides entertaining activities for the children while their families are able to rest.

“I learned about the difficulties families face when caring for children with special needs,” junior Melissa Wu said. “I loved hearing about the inspiring stories about children and families that have benefited from the wonderful program.

During the presentation, Daffron showcased the enthusiastic and intimate environment of Jill’s House by referring to different children who have participated in the program and listing various events, such as birthday parties, that the program provides.

“It is very important to help those with special needs,” Wu said. “It is not something people choose to live with, and I find it wonderful that programs such as Jill’s House exist to help those children and their families in such priceless ways.”