Namaste uses lottery system to sell I-Nite tickets for Jefferson show

Lindsay Williams, Online editor

Jefferson International Night (I-Nite) is just days away, and clubs are in full swing with last minute practices for their big show on Feb. 28 in front of thousands at George Mason University (GMU). But despite the enormous number of seats available at the GMU show, it sold out within hours of the start of ticket sales.

Namaste decided to also have a Jefferson show the next day on Feb. 29, but the system in the past of students getting released early and the show selling out within minutes didn’t work last year, which is part of the reason I-Nite was moved to GMU in the first place. To combat this problem, Namaste decided to hold a ticket lottery.

Students entered the lottery online on Monday, Feb. 17 and were given instructions on how much the tickets were and how to claim them. The winners were announced Feb. 19.

“Since every person who signed up for the lottery had an equal chance of winning and there is another show with a different selling process, this method was the fairest method,” junior Nihar Gudiseva said.

Some students feel like there are better ways of handling the ticket sales.

“We should have an auction for each ticket,” junior Eric Sun said. “The tickets will sell for what people think they’re worth, which is likely higher than their current price, and the extra funds can be used to procure a larger venue the next year.”

However, others agree that this way was fairer to all students trying to win tickets.

“This is much better than everyone running to the cafeteria only to end up without a ticket,” junior Andrea Donate-Perez said.