An army of parents and prospective students gathered outside the front doors on Oct. 13, while waiting for TJ AdmissionsOpen House to begin.
One of Jefferson’s busiest days due to the number of visitors that arrive, the open house serves to give interested parents and students a sneak peek of what the school is like and gives information to prospective applicants that they might not have gotten at a regular presentation.
The event itself consisted of student panels, an information session on the admissions process, and various class and lab demos.
“As a senior, I found myself uncomfortable during college visits, surrounded by strangers and the new atmosphere. I wanted to volunteer at the open house so that I could give good advice to the potential candidates and their parents,” senior Terra Lee said.
Lee was just one of the many volunteers who helped out during the Open House. She and many other students were in charge of handing out flyers and giving directions, in addition to talking about life at Jefferson.
“One student asked me about eighth periods and as more people gathered around us, I ended up talking to a crowd of 20 people,” Lee said. “It was very exciting to see many people interested about my school, so I was very eager to talk to each one of them.”