Why journalism is worth the effort

Scholastic Journalism Week lasts from Feb. 22 to Feb 28.

Scholastic Journalism Week lasts from Feb. 22 to Feb 28.

The tjTODAY newspaper is a great way for students to stay updated about their community. Whether it’s online or on paper, it notifies students about important events or interesting news, such as the accomplishments of fellow students, sports updates, and changes being made to the school building or the curriculum. Some articles are directed to controversial ideas that might interest members of the Jefferson community- others are meant to educate them and offer useful information. Either way, tjTODAY staff members have the important responsibility of acting as representatives of the community as a whole, voicing student opinions and school news. The job can be a challenge, but it is also fun.


Staffers have opportunities to attend a variety of events and interview interesting people. Because of this, they are often the first people to learn about upcoming events or news. The tjTODAY experience is a must for anyone who plans to pursue a career in journalism, but the class is an incredible opportunity even for those who aren’t. Students learn to work with their fellow classmates to create an incredible product. They use Photoshop, InDesign and other tools, as well as DSLR cameras to capture events such as sports meets, tournaments, and competitions.

The things that working for tjTODAY can teach are all useful skills in college and in future careers: meeting deadlines, operating computer design software, constructive writing, and cooperating with others. The general classroom atmosphere is very relaxed, especially in after-school work nights during which students can socialize and have fun while at the same time getting projects done. Though it may seem at first challenging to fit Journalism into a packed schedule, the valuable lessons learned and the great times spent in the class are what make it worthwhile.